Data Service API Overview

The OpenX Data Service API is a reporting service which allows you to access your data including revenue numbers and impressions. You can make requests to the API endpoints at a regular basis to get data on how your business is going to store the data on your side. You can then manipulate such data to generate reports.


Prior to start using the OpenX Data Service API, you require the following:

If you need one of the items mentioned above, please contact us on the OpenX Community.


To authenticate, install one of the following clients:

Obtaining an Access Token

Once authenticated, use the following code to receive a token:

email = ''
password = 'password123'
domain = ''
realm = 'uidomain_realm'
consumer_key = '1fc5c9ae...'
consumer_secret = '7c664d68...'

To get your access token, use ox_client = ox.logon(email, password). Your value for openx3_access_token is ox_client._token.

ox = ox3apiclient.Client(
email = email,
password = password,
domain = domain,
realm = realm,
consumer_key = consumer_key,
consumer_secret = consumer_secret)

Finding Fields

OpenX Data Service contains 100+ fields allowing you to pick and chose the values that are important to you. To aid with finding fields that are relevant to your business, all fields are associated to a path which are natural business groups of attributes and metrics.

The paths are depicted in the diagrams below in a hierarchy and can be a helpful reference when searching through the call get /fields.

Dimensions Data Stream

Metrics Data Stream

Helpful Notes

Consider the following:

For any questions about these features, please contact


For FAQs, consult the Reporting API FAQ.


The OpenX Data Service endpoints are as follows:



# You can also use wget
curl -X GET /data/ods/1.0/report/fields \
  -H 'Accept: text/html'

GET /data/ods/1.0/report/fields

Get the fields that are available and can be used in the /reports call.

Call this endpoint to get metadata for the fields you have access to including descriptions.


Name In Type Required Description
openx3_access_token cookie string false
Note: This is for curl command only. From the browser example, it uses the browser cookie. This cookie value will be the Openx3 access token that provides access to the data.

For information on how to get a token, see OpenX access token.

Example responses

200 Response

  "metrics": [
      "metadataMetrics": {
        "id": "billableImpressions",
        "path": "funnel::potentialImpressions",
        "description": "Total number of impressions served.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "45643",
        "metadataDetails": {
          "dimensionsAvailable": [
              "id": "publisherAccountID",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherAccountName",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherSiteId",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherSiteName",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherAdUnitId",
              "path": "placement::generalPlacement"
              "id": "publisherAdUnitName",
              "path": "placement::generalPlacement"
              "id": "demandPartnerAccountId",
              "path": "response::generalResponse"
              "id": "demandPartnerAccountName",
              "path": "response::generalResponse"
      "metadataMetrics": {
        "id": "publisherRevenue",
        "path": "funnel::potentialSpend::pubRev",
        "description": "Total number of impressions served.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "45643",
        "metadataDetails": {
          "dimensionsAvailable": [
              "id": "publisherAccountID",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherAccountName",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherSiteId",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherSiteName",
              "path": "context::site"
              "id": "publisherAdUnitId",
              "path": "placement::generalPlacement"
              "id": "publisherAdUnitName",
              "path": "placement::generalPlacement"
              "id": "demandPartnerAccountId",
              "path": "response::generalResponse"
              "id": "demandPartnerAccountName",
              "path": "response::generalResponse"
  "dimensions": [
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherAccountID",
        "path": "context::site",
        "description": " OpenX ID for the publisher.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "1610631427"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherAccountName",
        "path": "context::site",
        "description": "Name of the publisher's account.",
        "format": "String",
        "example": "Demo Account"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherSiteId",
        "path": "context::site",
        "description": "OpenX ID for the site.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "1616469958"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherSiteName",
        "path": "context::site",
        "description": "Name of the site.",
        "format": "String",
        "example": "Demo Site"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherAdUnitId",
        "path": "placement::generalPlacement",
        "description": "OpenX ID for the ad unit.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "537638175"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "publisherAdUnitName",
        "path": "placement::generalPlacement",
        "description": "Name of the ad unit.",
        "format": "String",
        "example": "Ad_Unit_abc"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "demandPartnerAccountId",
        "path": "response::generalResponse",
        "description": "OpenX ID associated with the entity or DSP that submits bids in the OpenX ad exchange.",
        "format": "Number",
        "example": "540657874"
      "metadataDimensions": {
        "id": "demandPartnerAccountName",
        "path": "response::generalResponse",
        "description": "Demand Partner name associated with the entity or DSP that submits bids in the OpenX ad exchange.",
        "format": "String",
        "example": "DoubleClick Bid Manager - RTB"

401 Response

  "code": "401",
  "message": "Bad oauth_token, or connection is not using an internal IP, SSO check returned 401",
  "traceId": "string"

500 Response

  "code": "500",
  "message": [
    "Internal Server Error",
    "Invalid JSON",
    "Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!"
  "traceId": "string"

502 Response

  "code": "502",
  "message": "Server Error",
  "traceId": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success response metrics
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized to access the API error_object
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error error_object
502 Bad Gateway Bad Gateway error_object



# You can also use wget
curl -X POST /data/ods/1.0/report \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: text/html' \
  -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate'

POST /data/ods/1.0/report

Run a report.

Call this endpoint with the attributes and metrics that are important to you to generate a report.

Body parameter example

  "startDate": "2019-08-15T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate": "2019-08-15T13:00:00Z",
  "attributes": [
        "id": "publisherAccountName"
        "id": "publisherAccountId"
        "id": "publisherCurrency"
        "id": "publisherSiteName"
  "metrics": [
        "id": "marketRequests"
        "id": "marketImpressions"
  "filters": {
    "name": "publisherAdUnitId",
    "operator": "EQ"


Name In Type Required Description
openx3_access_token cookie string false The Openx3 access token provides access to the data. Information on how to get a token can be found.
Find out more about OpenX access token.
accept-encoding header string false The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.
For more information, see MDN web docs.
body body report_request true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "reportData": [
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 24687,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_1",
      "publisherRevenue": 0,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610619089",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_abc"
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 2424,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_2",
      "publisherRevenue": 2.739120012072817,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610619089",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_abc"
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 450,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_1",
      "publisherRevenue": 1.2419999688863754,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610632540",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_123"
  "reportMetadata": {
    "reportCreated": "2018-12-10T09:46:20-08:00"

206 Response

  "reportData": [
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 24687,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_1",
      "publisherRevenue": 0,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610619089",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_abc"
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 2424,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_2",
      "publisherRevenue": 2.739120012072817,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610619089",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_abc"
      "publisherAccountName": "Demo_Account",
      "billableImpressions": 450,
      "publisherSiteName": "Site_1",
      "publisherRevenue": 1.2419999688863754,
      "publisherAdUnitId": "1610632540",
      "publisherAdUnitName": "Ad_Unit_123"
  "reportMetadata": {
    "reportCreated": "2018-12-10T09:46:20-08:00"

400 Response

  "code": "400",
  "message": [
    "Invalid field(s): attributes=[], metrics=[], filters=[]",
    "Unparseable date : <input date>"
  "traceId": "string"

401 Response

  "code": "401",
  "message": "Bad oauth_token, or connection is not using an internal IP, SSO check returned 401",
  "traceId": "string"

404 Response

  "code": "404",
  "message": "Date Range not valid",
  "traceId": "string"

413 Response

  "code": "413",
  "message": "Number of accounts requested is too large. Please contact OpenX support",
  "traceId": "string"

500 Response

  "code": "500",
  "message": [
    "Internal Server Error",
    "Invalid JSON",
    "Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!"
  "traceId": "string"

502 Response

  "code": "502",
  "message": "Server Error",
  "traceId": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success response report_response
206 Partial Content A successful response; however the response was truncated as the request hit an internal limit. If you hit this limit please try using filters to partition your request. report_response
400 Bad Request Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server. error_object
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized to access the API error_object
404 Not Found Not Found error_object
413 Payload Too Large Request Entity too large error_object
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error error_object
502 Bad Gateway Bad Gateway error_object



# You can also use wget
curl -X POST /data/ods/1.0/date-range \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: text/html'

POST /data/ods/1.0/date-range

Post call returns the date range available to be used in the POST /report call for a given list of fields.

Call this endpoint to determine if there is new data available to request or to determine valid dates to be used in the POST /report call.

Body parameter example

  "attributes": [
        "id": "publisherAccountName"
        "id": "publisherAccountId"
        "id": "publisherCurrency"
        "id": "publisherSiteName"
  "metrics": [
        "id": "marketRequests"
        "id": "marketImpressions"


Name In Type Required Description
openx3_access_token cookie string false The Openx3 access token provides access to the data. Information on how to get a token can be found.
Find out more about OpenX access token.
body body dateRange_request true none

Example responses

200 Response

  "dateRange": [
      "minStartDate": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z",
      "maxEndDate": "2019-08-23T22:00:00Z"

400 Response

  "code": "400",
  "message": [
    "You do not have access to one or many of the fields you have requested!",
    "Unparseable date <input date>"
  "traceId": "string"

401 Response

  "code": "401",
  "message": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
      "access_token not authorized by SSO"
  "traceId": "string"

500 Response

  "code": "500",
  "message": [
    "Internal Server Error",
    "Invalid JSON",
    "email required in auth result"
  "traceId": "string"

502 Response

  "code": "502",
  "message": "Server Error",
  "traceId": "string"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Success response dateRange_response
400 Bad Request Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server. error_object
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized to access the API error_object
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error error_object
502 Bad Gateway Bad Gateway error_object


The OpenX Data Service schemas are described below.


  "id": "string",
  "description": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string true none The unique id of the attribute.
description string false none Short description explaining the field.


  "id": "string",
  "path": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string false none none
path string false none none


    "id": "string",
    "path": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous [dimension] false none none


  "code": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "traceId": "string"

The Error model for displaying the error details.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
code string true none none
message string true none none
traceId string true none none


  "dimensionPaths": "string"

The path assigns a natural grouping of fields based on business uses. For example, CONTEXT is information about the served ad's environment; whether that be content or physical. PLACEMENTS are properties such as permitted features of the offered ad space while RESPONSE provides information on the winning advertisement. For more details, please refer to IAB's AdCom Specifications.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dimensionPaths string false none none


  "name": "string",
  "value": [
  "operator": "EQ"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
name string false none none
value any false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous [string] false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous string false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
operator string false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
operator EQ


  "operator": "AND",
  "leftOperand": null,
  "rightOperand": null


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
operator string false none none
leftOperand any false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter_expression false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
rightOperand any false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter_expression false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
operator AND
operator OR
operator XOR



Define standard type. For example: date, currency.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous string false none Define standard type (date, currency).

Enumerated Values

Property Value
anonymous Array[Number]
anonymous Currency
anonymous Date
anonymous Number
anonymous String
anonymous Boolean

  "url": "string",
  "method": "GET",
  "encType": "application/json"

Link Object


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
url string true none The URL of the related HATEOAS link to use in subsequent calls.
method string false none The HTTP method required for the related call.
encType string false none The media type in which to submit data in the request.


  "id": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "format": "Array[Number]",
  "example": "string"

The request object for the attribute.



Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous base_attribute false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous object false none none
» format format false none Define standard type (date, currency).
» example string false none An example of the value that could display for the field.


  "dimensionsAvailable": [
      "id": "string",
      "path": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dimensionsAvailable dimensions_available false none none


  "id": "string",
  "path": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "format": "Array[Number]",
  "example": "string",
  "metadataDetails": {
    "dimensionsAvailable": [
        "id": "string",
        "path": {
          "dimensionPaths": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string true none The unique id of the attribute.
path string false none The path assigns a natural grouping of fields based on business uses. For example, metrics that fall within the FUNNEL path represent the stages to the final potential resolution of impressions and spend. TRACKING metrics are related to post ad serving measurements such as clicks.
description string false none Short description explaining the field.
format format false none Define standard type (date, currency).
example string false none An example of the value that could display for the field.
metadataDetails object false none none
» dimensionsAvailable [any] false none List of dimensions that can be requested with the metric.
»» id string false none The unique id of the dimensions.
»» path field_attribute_path false none The path assigns a natural grouping of fields based on business uses. For example, CONTEXT is information about the served ad's environment; whether that be content or physical. PLACEMENTS are properties such as permitted features of the offered ad space while RESPONSE provides information on the winning advertisement. For more details, please refer to IAB's AdCom Specifications.


  "id": "string",
  "path": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "format": "string",
  "example": "string",
  "metadataDetails": {
    "dimensionsAvailable": [
        "id": "string",
        "path": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
id string false none none
path string false none none
description string false none none
format string false none none
example string false none none
metadataDetails metadata_details false none none


  "metrics": [
      "id": "string",
      "path": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "format": "string",
      "example": "string",
      "metadataDetails": {
        "dimensionsAvailable": [
            "id": "string",
            "path": "string"
  "dimensions": [
      "id": "string",
      "path": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
metrics [metadata_metrics] false none none
dimensions [dimension] false none none


  "startDate": "string",
  "endDate": "string",
  "reportFormat": "JSON",
  "acceptEncoding": "gzip, deflate",
  "attributes": [
      "id": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "format": "Array[Number]",
      "example": "string"
  "metrics": [
      "id": "string",
      "path": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "format": "Array[Number]",
      "example": "string",
      "metadataDetails": {
        "dimensionsAvailable": [
            "id": "string",
            "path": {
              "dimensionPaths": "string"
  "filters": {
    "operator": "AND",
    "leftOperand": null,
    "rightOperand": null,

The call structure for running a report.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
startDate string true none Start date for the data fetched in the report. startDate is inclusive in the query and hour is optional; denoted by :HH at the end of the YYYYMMDD.
endDate string true none End date is exclusive in the query. For example, to get one days of data, apply endDate = startDate + 1 day.
reportFormat string false none Format of the report requested by the user. Currently, only JSON is supported.
acceptEncoding string false none The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Encoding response header.
For more information, see MDN web docs.
attributes [metadata_attribute] false none List of attributes.
metrics [metadata_metric] false none List of metrics.
filters any false none Filter object or Filter Expressions.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter_expression false none none


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
» anonymous filter false none none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
reportFormat JSON
acceptEncoding gzip, deflate
acceptEncoding gzip
acceptEncoding deflate


  "reportData": [
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
  "reportMetadata": {
    "reportCreated": "string"


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
reportData [object] false none Data returned after the report execution. The data will be an array of objects. Each Object will have key value pair with keys as attribute or metric name and their value.
» additionalProperties string false none none
reportMetadata object false none The metadata information about the generated report.
» reportCreated string false none Report creation time.


  "attributes": [
      "id": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "format": "Array[Number]",
      "example": "string"
  "metrics": [
      "id": "string",
      "path": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "format": "Array[Number]",
      "example": "string",
      "metadataDetails": {
        "dimensionsAvailable": [
            "id": "string",
            "path": {
              "dimensionPaths": "string"

The request structure to see the date range available for a given set of fields.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
attributes [metadata_attribute] true none List of attributes.
metrics [metadata_metric] true none List of metrics.


  "dateRange": {
    "minStartDate": "string",
    "maxEndDate": "string"

The date range that can be used in /report call for given set of fields.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
dateRange object false none Date Range that can be used in /report call for given set of fields.
» minStartDate string false none The min date that can be used to request data for the fields specified in the call.
» maxEndDate string false none The max date that can be used to request data for the fields specified in the call.